by: Anja Bauer Minkara, director & senior brand consultant
What is the unalienable right of any man?
You can imprison a man but you can’t imprison his mind, his thinking and you can’t stop a man from dreaming.
There is something incredibly inspiring about the fact that even when you have hit the wall or are lying on the ground, you can sum up your strength and leap to great heights, to serenity, to achieve your own peace and create your own happiness. As Henry David Thoreau said “I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.” People who dream and work hard to achieve their dreams are content and self-fulfilled.
Our dreams are what we are. They tell others what our priorities in life are and what we cherish. People work on achieving their dreams alone, or as part of the team, or together with someone they love. It is this togetherness that achieves the dream. And if a person has achieved their dream alone, they first share it with people they respect and love.
When we were working for GRAWE Hrvatska, the insurance brand, we realized that people insure themselves because of fear that something bad can happen. Getting insured is a preventive move to secure those they love and themselves. The material things that people possess need to be secure, so they protect their life, or the life they dream of. Therefore, by insuring themselves people insure their path to their better world, their dreams of a better future for themselves and those they love.
Insurance companies, like other businesses, could inspire consumers instead of scaring them. This philosophy led us during rebranding for GRAWE Hrvatska. Insurance companies insure the good part of people’s lives, they don’t just insure the house, they insure the need to have a home for the loved ones, where they spend their life and where the most special moments are shared. The car for example is not just the means to get you from A to B, it’s the freedom and the means to get you to places you love and want to discover.
GRAWE Hrvatska became a story about insuring people’s dreams and motivating people to achieve what they long for, such as driving their own car and giving their kid the keys to the car, while insuring their safety by being there during the first phase of driving. It is the moment of getting the job they have dreamed of, graduating from university, getting the first baby and spending the rest of their life with the person they love.
These are the moments that came from talking to people, and the advertisement united the agency, the client and consumers because it is narrating the tale we all feel and understand. It is the story about achieving your own dreams and protecting yourself and your loved ones. While watching the ad the consumers feel close to the brand and feel that it could also be a story about them.
meni ovo trunkicu pre genericki, tj. mozda ipak malo ispod ocekivanja :/. Super mi je ovaj tekst gore i filozofija iza toga ali kroz spot nisam imao neku posebnu emocionalnu reakciju. Steta, cini mi se da se GRAWE mozda mogao pozicionirati u neku nišu, ako ne demografski onda barem stilski.. ovako, spot moze funkcionirati za bilo koji brand tipa T-com ili Croatia Osiguranje.. then again, haters gonna hate, a da ne bi ispao troll, ipak thumbs up za dobar posao
Posted by: Gasper Sopi | May 24, 2012 at 04:12 PM